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Leap into the converging future
Get the information and hands-on experience for success—ETC Certified Classes

Our new generation of products and services reach beyond the traditional telephony world into this new realm where everything is data. This leap accents the need to embrace new networking knowledge, application needs, and converged connectivity issues. We intend to meet this challenge and provide the information and hands-on experience necessary for you to succeed.

So, take the leap and experience the confidence and freedom of having the tools and application ideas that will serve your present and future network needs. Sign up for classes of interest today!

To reserve a place in any class, please contact Customer Service at 888-RING ETC, or via e-mail

Current Classes

Scheduled Classes offered at the ETC Training Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin for a price of $50.00 per day:
Digicept Emcee / Digicept Emcee ELF
Audichron Z-10 / Audichron Z-10 MCA
Digicept DNA / 2002 / 2000

Other classes, available upon request and priced based on individual training needs, include:
Audichron 410

Audichron System 3 / System 3 Jr.
Messenger Multi-line Announcers

On-Site Training Classes

Designed and priced on an individual basis.


Digicept Emcee / Digicept Emcee ELF

Class Topics include:

Who Should Attend?
Ideal for Marketing, Sales, Applications Engineers, Installation Technicians, System Managers, or Network Engineers.

General knowledge of Windows NT / Windows 2000 or prior attendance of ETC NT Overview Class.


Digicept DNA / 2002 / 2000

Class Topics

Who Should Attend?
This class is detailed in relation to installation, telephony interfaces, and programming, and is geared toward the Installation Technician, System Manager, or Network Engineer.

General Telephony and Network knowledge. Some Network Installation, Engineering, or Operations level experience will prove helpful.


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